Event Logistics and Timeline

Make sure to RSVP here to let us know you’ll be joining!

Please also check the FAQ page for additional questions you may have. Be aware, these times are very much my best guess and are give or take an hour. 

8:00am: Check in, Registration, Boat Loading

When you arrive at the Green River Ranch in the morning, you will be asked to check in, sign a waiver and sign up for a group.

8:45am-9:00am: Welcome and Safety Talk

We will have an event welcome and safety talk before leaving the ranch and heading to the Upper Put In.

9:00am: Welcome and Safety Talk

We will all pile into shuttle vehicle for the ride up to the Upper Put In.

9:30am-12:30pm: Paddle the Upper Green
Put on the river in groups and paddle downstream! On the river, we will be split into our groups of approximately 7-10 people. Each group will have two pre-assigned leaders who will be responsible for making sure the groups are safe and stay together moving downstream. They are not there as guides or instructors, but the idea of the day is for everyone to share tips and provide support.

12:30-1:00pm: Arrive at the Upper Take Out/ Upper Only Ladies Hike Out
Arrive at the Upper Take Out/ Narrows Put In. All of the ladies taking out here will begin the hike out, while the rest of the group will continue on through the narrows. We will have shuttle bunnies waiting for you with vehicles already at Gallimore to drive you back to the Green River Ranch.

1:00-1:30: Narrows Paddler Group Meeting/ Paddle the Green Narrows
There will be a quick meeting for the ladies continuing on down the Narrows. We will then shuffle the groups to end up with similarly sized groups before starting our way downstream. We will paddle in our small groups, but stay close to each other for safety and support.

3:30pm: Upper Only Women Arrive at Green River Ranch 
We will have refreshments and snacks out for when you arrive back to the Green River Ranch. If you are interested, you’re also welcome to hike in to Hammer Factor from Fishtop to cheer on the Narrows Paddlers!

5:30pm: Post Paddling Social/ Raffle
All women arrive at Green River Ranch and join for a social gathering and the raffle! Camping is available both Friday and Saturday nights in the field.

Dont forget to bring cash for the raffle! Tickets are $10 each or $40 for 5 and all money goes to the Live Like MariaShannon Christy, and Thrive Like Sarah Memorial Funds. There are lots of great prizes up for grabs including MULTIPLE kayaks!